BC Child Support Obligations After Death
Did you know that after a parent dies, his or her estate may be liable for outstanding and continuing BC child support payments? That important principle was…
Did you know that after a parent dies, his or her estate may be liable for outstanding and continuing BC child support payments? That important principle was…
650 West Georgia Street
Suite 1215 - The Scotia Tower
Vancouver, BC V6B 4N9
T (604) 900 2538
F (604) 900 2539
26 Fourth Street
Suite 100
New Westminster, BC V3L 5M4
T (604) 900 2538
F (604) 900 2539
1631 Dickson Avenue
Suite 1100
Kelowna, BC V1Y 0B5
T (604) 900-2538
F (604) 900-2539