Dementia Raises Suspicion that Late-in-Life Will Not Valid
A late-in-life Will that disinherits certain children. Dementia and cognitive decline of the will-maker. Secrecy surrounding preparation of the new will. All of this led to a…
A late-in-life Will that disinherits certain children. Dementia and cognitive decline of the will-maker. Secrecy surrounding preparation of the new will. All of this led to a…
Issues of testamentary capacity and undue influence frequently arise when a new will is made under ostensibly suspicious circumstances: late in a testator’s life, while in the…
In Elder Estate v. Bradshaw, 2015 BCSC 1266, disinherited family members questioned the testamentary capacity of their elderly uncle who, while in the early stages of Alzheimer’s-related…
Can family members argue that an elderly relative with dementia lacked the mental capacity to change his will to make his younger female caregiver the only beneficiary?…
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Suite 100
New Westminster, BC V3L 5M4
T (604) 900 2538
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Suite 1100
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T (604) 900-2538
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